When a course is dropped after the tuition refund deadline of the session, students receive Summer Tuition Credit (STC) instead of a refund. STC earned will be equivalent to the number of units of the dropped course, which will apply toward the tuition of a subsequently added class in a later session in the same summer term. Earning STC by dropping a course after the tuition refund deadline will need to happen first before adding a new class for STC to apply towards the fees of the new class. STC will not apply toward the tuition of previously enrolled course(s).
Here’s a video detailing the use of Tuition Credit. It is highly recommended to contact a Summer Sessions advisor if you are confused about how Tuition Credit works before making any enrollment changes.
Below is a quick overview of Summer Tuition Credit:
- STC will never be refunded.
- STC will not apply towards previously added classes.
- STC cannot be transferred to other terms. (i.e., spring, fall, or future summers)
- STC can be used towards subsequently added classes.
When a student drops a class paid for by summer tuition credit:
- If a student drops a class paid for by STC before the tuition refund deadline, they will not receive a refund. However, they will still have the available credit to apply to a subsequently added class in a later session in the same summer term.
- If a student drops a class paid for by STC after the tuition refund deadline, a tuition credit will be generated for the newly dropped course in addition to the existing tuition credit that paid for the course fees from a previously dropped class. Thus, the student would be responsible for tuition for both courses dropped after the refund deadline and would have available tuition credit generated from both courses to apply to a subsequently added class in a later session in the same summer term.
Tuition Credit Example:
- You drop a 3-unit English class in Session C after the tuition refund deadline. Since it is after the deadline to drop and receive a refund, you continue to be charged for the English class. However, you now have Summer Tuition Credit in an amount equal to the tuition for a 3-unit course.
- Then you add a 3-unit Math class in Session D. You are charged for both the English class and the new Math class (tuition for 6 units), but the total balance due remains the same (tuition for 3 units); if you already paid for the English class, you will not receive a refund. You have now used all available Summer Tuition Credit, and the credit balance is zero.
- If you drop the 3-unit Math class in Session D after the tuition refund deadline, you are charged for both English and Math classes (tuition for 6 units). Summer Tuition Credit is not applied towards this balance because there is no eligible course to which the credit can be used (credit only applies to a subsequently added new course). Because Summer Tuition Credit is generated every time a course is dropped after the tuition refund deadline, you now have Summer Tuition Credit in an amount equal to 6 units (English and Math classes) to use for any course you subsequently add in a later session in the same summer term
*Available credit is not shown on a student account. Please contact an advisor if you have a question about using tuition credit. Please note that the applied tuition credit will appear on the student’s account the next day, pacific standard time.