The English Proficiency Requirement (EPR) evaluates the English language proficiency of students whose native language is not English and who want to enroll in Berkeley Summer Sessions courses with subjects other than English as a Second Language (ESL).
Results from acceptable English exams taken within the last three years will fulfill the English Proficiency Requirement. You can also watch our International Requirements video for more information.
You can upload a snapshot or official documentation of your test score. The picture must contain the entire page and not be blurry so we can verify your name, test date, and test score(s). If the results are not in English, you can translate them yourself in the "submitter notes.”
If you do not meet the English proficiency test requirements, you have the following options:
- Check the criteria for requesting an EPR waiver to see if you qualify.
- Check the list of EPR exempt countries.
- Check if your home institution is EPR-exempt (inquire with the international advisor at your home institution).
- Enroll in ESL-only classes.
Submitting your EPR documents
International students will need to submit their proof of English proficiency during their Summer Sessions online application. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant EPR submission extensions. Make sure to monitor your email in case we need to request additional documents or details about the documents you submitted.
EPR rejections
If your EPR is rejected, you will receive an email with further instructions from our office.
If you have any further questions about the requirement, please contact us at